The Circle of Friends Giving Society was founded in 2017 by generous champions of Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey who made multi-year pledges of $5,000 or more to ensure the long-term sustainability.
We are truly grateful for our dedicated society members* who help us
to guarantee that girls in northern New Jersey will continue to have
the opportunity to experience Girl Scouts and become girls of courage,
confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Leslie Achter
Jill Andersen
Emily Aprea
Chiquita Barnes
Edwin Barreto
Carol Barrett
Kristin Buffardi
Katie Cook
Dahlia Cooper
Leslie Franklin
Cheryl Hardt
Jessica Hoffman
Stephen and Bonnie Holmes
Shanna Jafri
Felicia Jamison
Sandra Kenoff
Stephanie Kivett-Ohnegian
Krista Korinis
Dawn & James La Rue
Germaine Lacqua
Matt Lamb
Ginny Laughlin
Rosie & Harold Lunde
Karyllan & Joe Mack
Susan Miller
Veronica Ross
Bette Simmons
Nashira Spencer
Alicia and Richard Stennett
Nikki Sumpter
Charisse Taylor
Lisa Torres
Katherine Wnek
Jane Kurek
*As of May 15, 2020
To become a member of the Circle of
Friends or to learn more, contact Caroline Fairchild, Chief
Development Officer, at